Santa will be arriving this Sunday for the annual tree lighting at Town Hall. He will also be around town throughout the month. December Events December 2 – Tree Lighting Event begins at 4:30 pm with Tree Lighting at 5:00 pm December 3 – Menorah Lighting Event begins at 6:00 pm – Refreshments, Entertainment, Crafts and Music December 8 Fire Company 4 will be escorting Santa around the Fardale and Rio Vista sections of town December 9 (Rain Date December 16) Fire Company 1 will be escorting Santa around the Cragmere, Franklin Heights, Franklin Crossing, and Franklin Turnpike sections of town Fire Company 2 will be escorting Santa around the West Mahwah and Ridge Road sections of town December 15 Fire Company 3 will be escorting Santa around the Masonicus, Scotch Hills, Paddington Square, and top of Cragmere sections of town *Please note that these dates may be subject to change